AISI Labs Apps

Canadian Income Tax Calculator
This application provides a quick and easy way to estimatetheFederal and Provincial taxes one would expect on their earningsandcapital gains from stocks and cryptocurrency! Given theannualexpected earnings for the year, the calculator provides thetotalincome taxes and EI/CCP/QPP deductions, and net income. Italsodisplays a graphical representation of the income taxes,periodicearnings, tax bracket breakdown and comparison againstotherprovinces and territories. The calculator has an optionalcapitalgains field, eligible dividends, ineligible dividends andRRSPcontribution field. A transaction helper can calculatecapitalgains from the sale of stock and cryptocurrency (such asBitcoin).The RRSP input will be used to assess the RRSP refund thatmaycontribute to a tax refund for the year. This application isFree!It requires NO special Android permissions. The calculationsaredone locally!